foire aux questions

foire aux questions


admission & cursus

What are the admission requirements?

  • Conditions for admission to the 1st year via Parcoursup
  • Admission for foreigners outside the European Union
  • Admission by transfer from another Ensa
  • Equivalence admission

How many candidates are admitted ?
On Parcoursup: More than 3000 applications, 700 to 800 candidates selected for interview, 400 candidates ranked on Parcoursup for 130 places. Foreign candidates from outside the EU: 265 applications 30 places including 10 in the 1st year. Equivalence: 250 applications 40 places divided between the 2nd and 4th years of the programme.
Transfer: 100 applications 30 places in 1st year Masters

Are there any preferred bachelor’s degrees or options for entering a school of architecture?
ENSA Paris-Belleville wishes to recruit students from all backgrounds.
There are no preferred bachelor’s degrees or options.

What is the average grade required to enter Ensa de Paris-Belleville?
The entire academic record is examined: all grades, progression of grades over the 5 terms (3 of first year and 2 of final year), positioning of the student within the class in each subject, teachers’ assessments in each subject. So we cannot give a minimum average.
We calculate the average of all the available marks (including early baccalaureate marks and baccalaureate marks where applicable) to enable us to select the best 300 candidates for interviews, all other applications are looked at individually by the teachers.

Do you take into account the level of the lycée?
No, because we don’t know all the high schools in France. Discriminating against or favouring certain schools would not make sense and would be unfair..

Faut-il savoir dessiner ?
Non pour ce qui concerne les candidats en 1ère année. Il faut néanmoins aimer dessiner. Les étudiants apprendront à dessiner dès la 1ère année

Do you have to be able to draw?
No, not for first year candidates. However, you must like drawing. Students will learn to draw from the 1st year

Do you recommend any preparatory courses to enter Ensa Paris-Belleville?
No, we do not recommend any preparatory courses. It is more appropriate to take drawing classes, visit exhibitions, go to museums, read….

What is the workload in the 1st year?
Students have classes from Wednesday to Friday from 9am to 6pm.
Mondays and Tuesdays are reserved for work on the architecture course. This work is mostly done in the workshops at the school. The workload in the 1st year is quite heavy, students are busy every day of the week.

If I am not admitted to Ensa Paris Belleville, what direction would you advise me to take?
It is important that you choose a path that interests you and whose opportunities are compatible with your aspirations. Courses in history, art history, geography or sociology will help you consolidate your knowledge and can strengthen your file if you reapply to a school of architecture. Some courses allow you to enter architectural studies during your studies: DN MADE (diplôme national des métiers d’arts et du design) with a specialisation in space, the DSAA (diplôme supérieur d’arts appliqués) with a specialisation in space, the IUT civil engineering, engineering and landscape design diplomas allow you to enter architectural studies during your studies.

Does the school offer accommodation?
No, the school does not offer accommodation but has a partnership with Nexity which offers students a 50 euro discount on the application fee on presentation of their student card. For housing leads: :

How to apply for a scholarship?
You can start applying for a scholarship and/or accommodation from 20 January 2021. To do so, you need to log on to and fill in your student social file (DSE). You have until 15 May to do this. You can now simulate your grant entitlement by using the simulator available on


1 What is mobility?
It is a period of study abroad in a school or university that has an agreement with Ensa-PB. It can last one semester or one year. The courses taken are validated in the form of credits and the student is exempted from the registration fees in the host school.

2 When can I go on a mobility programme?
Mobility is theoretically possible from the second year. In practice, it is more likely to take place in the third year of a Bachelor’s degree and especially in the first year of a Master’s degree. Some destinations are only open to Bachelor’s students and others only to Master’s students.

3 How many partnerships has Ensa-PB concluded?
Ensa-PB is one of the schools with the most partnerships in the world. The development of its international exchanges is one of its priorities. It currently has 74 partnerships around the world: 47 with a school or university in the Erasmus+ zone (the European Union and a few other countries in Europe) and 27 in countries outside Erasmus+ (the rest of the world). The list is available in the Going mobile guide

4 What is the Erasmus+ programme?
Erasmus+ is a European Union programme funded by the Member States that has allowed students from all over Europe to spend part of their studies in another country with a grant for more than 30 years. It is now also available, under certain conditions, to artists, apprentices, schoolchildren etc.

5 Can I benefit from grants during my mobility?
All CROUS scholarship holders continue to receive their scholarship during their mobility abroad. Students going abroad under the Erasmus+ programme all receive a monthly grant for the duration of their mobility. This varies according to the geographical area in which the partner school is located (between 170€ and 270€/month). The Ministry of Culture also awards grants (400€/month for grant holders and 130€/month for non grant holders for a maximum of 6 months). The Ile de France region awards grants to students going outside of Europe and on condition of income.

6 How do you prepare for your mobility?
It is preferable to start preparing for your mobility in your first year, by finding out about the destinations on offer, by starting to learn a language or by reinforcing what you have learnt in high school, by choosing studios or subjects that will help you to build up your file when the time comes.

7 What are the most popular destinations?
For some years now, in Europe, Scandinavia within the framework of the Erasmus+ programme and Switzerland have been favoured by students.
In the rest of the world, Canada, Chile, Brazil and Argentina, Japan and Korea are also very popular.
But all the students who return from mobility, even if they did not get the country they wanted at the start, testify to the richness of the experience and their satisfaction at having had the chance to do it.

8 How are places allocated?
When applying, students make three choices of desired destinations in order of priority. The application also includes a letter of motivation, a CV, a portfolio of projects carried out since the first year, transcripts of grades obtained and a study contract setting out the subjects to be studied at the chosen school or university. The international committee composed of teachers from the school examines the applications and allocates places.
Students who have not obtained any of their three choices are offered to choose a destination from the remaining places. As the school has a large number of destinations, all students who wish to do so and who have validated all their semesters can go on a mobility programme. Currently, nearly 80% of students benefit from this irreplaceable experience during their course.

9 What other international exchange opportunities are available to students?
The study trips (between fifteen and twenty) organised each year are opportunities for international exposure.  At the beginning of the 2019 academic year, the First Year trip was organised to Barcelona.
Long-term partnerships have been developed within the framework of the curriculum with foreign schools to enable students of the same level to work on a common project and thus to learn about the culture of the partner country and its approach to architecture. Some examples of partnerships are Hangyang University in Seoul and the Shibaura Institute in Tokyo, the University of Naples, the University of Austin (USA), the University of Phnom Penh, the University of La Plata (Argentina) …. Workshops are organised with these universities mostly on an annual basis.
Finally, internships can be carried out abroad, notably within the framework of the Erasmus+ programme, and they give the right to a grant.

Diplomas of specialisation and deepening in architecture (DSA)

1. What are these specialisation courses?

DSA Architecture & Heritage
DSA Architecture & Major Hazards
DSA Architecture & Project Management
DSA Architecture & Urban Project

 2. What are the admission procedures?

 3. Who can apply? The DSA studies are accessible, without condition of nationality or age, to holders of :
– a government-approved diploma in architecture or a State diploma in architecture,
– a diploma in architecture issued by an establishment recognised by the Ministry of Culture,
– a foreign qualification accepted as equivalent to or exempt from these diplomas: this is either a qualification issued by a European Union country (Council of European Communities directive 85-384) or by a country outside the European Union but recognised by France (decree n° 78-67 of 16 January 1978),
– validation of studies, professional experience or personal achievements with a view to accessing this level: this procedure makes it possible to accept applications from students who hold a foreign diploma in architecture that is not recognised within the meaning of the above-mentioned decree,
– a diploma conferring the grade of master obtained in another field, for example a diploma in engineering, landscape design or urban planning. Students in the process of validating their diploma may apply for admission; they must provide proof of obtaining the diploma at the time of registration.

4. How to apply? On the school’s website, download the application forms. The procedure to follow is detailed there. Please note that for foreign applicants, it is up to you to check whether you must also apply via Campus France. This procedure is independent of the application to Ensa PB. Applications are examined solely on the basis of the application file.

5. When to apply? For the 4 DSAs, applications are generally sent between May and June. The dates are to be checked on the website, they may change from one year to the next.

6. When are the admissions results communicated? The results are communicated by e-mail immediately after the application committees have met.

7.  How much does it cost to apply? 37 € for each application file

8. Is it possible to apply for several of the specialisation courses? Yes, it is possible but it is advisable to limit applications to two courses. The members of the application committees are careful to ensure that applications are motivated by precise objectives.

9. How many students are there in a class? The maximum number of students in a class is 20.

10. How much do the courses cost? The tuition fee for one semester is 498€. Transportation fees are charged for trips and workshops. For the DSA Patrimoine, Projet Urbain and Risques Majeurs, they can be as high as 330€, for the DSA Architecture & maîtrise d’ouvrage, up to 100€. Please note that the tuition fees for the DSA Architecture & Project Management are 4200 € if the financing is taken in charge by a funding organisation.

11. Is it possible to benefit from a Crous grant? Students are eligible for grants based on social criteria. The students concerned are exempted from the registration fees on presentation of the scholarship notification. Students are responsible for the cost of transport for trips.

12. When does the school year start? In September

13. What is the rhythm of the courses?
– DSA Urban Project and Project Management: 18 months; 1st year: lessons on Thursdays and Fridays each week; MSP in the 2nd year from 4 to 6 months.
– DSA Risques Majeurs et Patrimoine: the training courses take place over 2 years and are organised as follows: 3 semesters of courses and 1 semester of work experience. The DSA Major Risks courses are organised in one-week sessions from Monday to Saturday, approximately one week per month; the DSA Heritage courses are organised from Monday to Wednesday on a weekly basis.
Study trips and workshops are organised at different times.
The timetables are distributed to students in advance so that they can plan their travel arrangements.

14. Are these courses compatible with a professional activity? Yes, students can work alongside their training, as long as the student is present during the teaching periods. In this case, the pace of work is much more sustained, since personal work and group projects are required between each course session.

15. Can these courses be taken as continuing education? Ensa PB is referenced in Datadock, which allows the establishment to deliver training in continuing education. It is therefore possible for candidates to apply for funding for their training courses from various funding bodies depending on their situation: Pôle Emploi, OPCO, etc. However, only the DSA Project Management Assistance course is registered in the specific directory, which means that only this course can be used for the CPF and can more easily be funded. In all cases, it is up to the candidate to obtain information and to give advance notice of his or her application. The various procedures to be followed require certain time limits, depending on the organisations concerned.

 16. What are the opportunities?

  • DSA Heritage :
    – Architecture and urban planning agencies, particularly on rehabilitation, transformation or creation sites in a heritage environment,
    – public employment.
    Since the end of 2009, architects who have graduated from the DSA Architecture and Heritage can, once they have reached 10 years of experience, apply for consultations organised in the context of work on listed monuments, when they do not belong to the State.
  • DSA Major Risks :
    – public administrations working on the issue of risk,
    – private companies specialising in this field which offer their services to the same administrations,
    – Local authorities that have responsibilities and competences in terms of major risk prevention and management,
    – non-governmental organisations (NGOs),
    – international institutions working in the field of crisis management at the global level.
  • DSA Assistance to project management :
    DSA graduates work in fields that are either operational, centred on study and expertise, or research-related:
    – project management: project manager or programme manager in local authorities (cities or EPCIs, regional and departmental councils, local public development companies), semi-public companies, social housing organisations, development and construction offices, private promoters, and in certain large public companies,
    – project management assistance: in charge of assisting the project owner on the organisational, technical, legal, financial and environmental levels during the programming, design and execution phases of construction operations,
    – project management: project manager in urban engineering offices, urban and/or architectural project management agencies.
  • DSA Urban project
    – in agencies in charge of project management or contracting for urban studies and urban and territorial projects;
    – in local authorities or their groupings, public establishments for regional planning;
    – Students whose degree has a research component may pursue a doctorate, with the aim of working in a research structure.

Mastère spécialisé® Architecture et scénographies

1. En quoi consiste cette formation ?

 2. Quelle est la procédure d’admission ?

 3. Qui peut candidater ? Le Mastère spécialisé® « Architecture et scénographies » est accessible aux titulaires d’un :
– master 2 ou diplôme équivalent (bac+5) dans les domaines de l’architecture, architecture d’intérieur, arts appliqués en 3D, design, ingénierie, urbanisme, paysage, métiers du spectacle ;
– master 1 ou diplôme équivalent (bac+4) pour les candidats ayant au moins 3 ans d’expérience professionnelle dans le milieu de l’architecture, l’urbanisme, le paysage et les métiers du spectacle ;
– par dérogation peuvent être retenus des diplômés de Master 1 dans les domaines précités et sans expérience professionnelle et des diplômés de Licence dans les domaines précités avec au moins 3 ans d’expérience professionnelle dans le milieu de l’architecture, l’urbanisme, le paysage et les métiers du spectacle.

4. Comment candidater ? Le dossier de candidature est à transmettre avant mi-octobre (toutes les informations sont disponibles sur le site internet de l’école). Les candidatures recevables sont étudiées en commission début novembre et les entretiens des candidats admissibles ont lieu la 1ère quinzaine de novembre.

5. Quand candidater ? La campagne de candidatures est ouverte de septembre à mi-octobre.

6. Quand  les résultats des admissions sont-ils communiqués ? Les résultats sont envoyés par courriel de suite après la commission (refus ou convocation à un entretien). Les résultats des entretiens sont communiqués par courriel très rapidement.

7Quel est le coût de la candidature ? Les frais de dossier s’élèvent à 50€.

8. Est-il possible de candidater à plusieurs des formations de spécialisation ? Oui c’est possible mais il est conseillé de limiter les candidatures à deux formations. Les membres des commissions de candidature sont attentifs à ce que les candidatures soient motivées par des objectifs précis.

9. Combien d’étudiants y-a-t-il dans une promotion ? Le maximum d’une promotion est fixé à 20 étudiants

10. Quel est le coût des formations ?
– Formation initiale : 7 000€. Réduction de 25% (soit 5250 €) pour les diplômés de l’Énsa-PB et de l’Ecole Camondo. Réduction de 50% (soit 3 500 €) pour les boursiers et demandeurs d’emploi (justificatif récent du CROUS ou Pôle Emploi à fournir obligatoirement)
– Formation continue (financée par un organisme) : 14 000 €

11. Est-il possible de bénéficier d’une bourse du Crous ? Les étudiants sont éligibles aux bourses sur critères sociaux. Les étudiants concernés sont exemptés des frais d’inscription sur présentation de la notification de bourse. Les frais de participation aux transports pour les voyages restent à la charge des étudiants.

12. Quand a lieu la rentrée ? La rentrée est en janvier.

13. Quel est le rythme des enseignements ? La formation, d’une durée de 15 mois (de janvier à mars de l’année suivante), dispensera de manière équilibrée des enseignements d’ordre technique et d’ordre théorique et des exercices de projet pour un total de 375 heures et 75 ects. Elle se compose, de janvier à juillet, de 21 semaines d’enseignements (cours le vendredi et studio le samedi) et de 3 semaines intensives, suivies de 4 à 6 mois d’une mise en situation professionnelle (avec soutenance d’une thèse professionnelle).

14. Ces formations sont-elles compatibles avec une activité professionnelle ? La formation est compatible avec une activité professionnelle (enseignements le vendredi et samedi + 3 semaines intensives de janvier à juillet) en prenant en compte toutefois le travail personnel à fournir d’une semaine sur l’autre. La mise en situation professionnelle de 4 à 6 mois peut également être adaptée (temps partiel…).

15. Ces formations peuvent-elles être suivies en formation continue ? L’Ensa PB est référencée au Datadock, ce qui permet à l’établissement de délivrer des formations en formation continue. Il est donc possible aux candidats de faire des démarches de demandes de prises en charge de leurs formations auprès de différents organismes financeurs selon leur situation : pôle emploi, OPCO etc. Il appartient au candidat de se renseigner et avertir en amont dès la candidature de sa démarche. Les différentes procédures à suivre nécessitent certains délais, selon les organismes concernés.

 16. Quels sont les débouchés ? La formation a pour vocation de former des « chefs de projet en architecture éphémère » : conception, maîtrise d’œuvre et assistance à la maîtrise d’ouvrage dans le domaine de l’architecture éphémère (scénographie de spectacles, d’expositions, d’espaces publics, de salons et d’événements).

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