the director’s word

the director’s word


Since being established in 1969, the Énsa de Paris-Belleville has occupied a special place in the French architecture training and research landscape.

Its seminal ambition to deepen the educational approach to the project, to convene disciplines related to architectural and urban design, and to foster research in architecture has lost nothing of its relevance. Since the production of knowledge is a precondition for the vitality of any discipline, for critical thinking, and for a vibrant, ceaselessly evolving pedagogy, the school has always placed research at the heart of its educational and scientific program.

The  Énsa de Paris-Belleville has forged many academic partnerships in the Paris region and abroad. It has joined with the Université Paris-Est, a community of universities and grandes écoles, which includes universities proper, schools of architecture and engineering, research centers, etc. to work mainly on the question of the city.

The international perspective is a further priority. Confronting other ways of seeing the world, of reading our history and our geography is the best method to train the architects who will go on to build the cities of tomorrow.

Architecture stands in the eye of the storm brought about by the digital and ecological transitions. In architecture, both teaching and research have been profoundly affected. Given the resilience of our basic education program, the diversity of the specialized training we offer, our research platform, and our openness to partnerships, particularly on the international level, the school disposes of sufficient resources to meet the upcoming challenge.

François Brouat

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