bachelor degree 1’st year

bachelor degree 1’st year

Cécile Roblin accueil des études envoyer un message 01 53 38 50 20
The program provides the necessary background to understand and practise architectural and urban design. In the 1st year, the student begins learning the fundamentals of architecture and construction and learns the technical means of representation, based on drawing and vision in space.

The education provided is a progressif and continuous process. All courses are compulsory and the same for all students in the class. At the beginning of the year, an eight-day integration trip to a European city allows students to discover the architecture and the city. The first year plays a purely experimental role in that only students presumed to be capable of carrying out their studies to the end of the master’s programme are admitted to the second year.


  • Learn to understand and read architectural documents, to observe, describe and interpret architecture,
  • to be initiated to the approach of architectural projects,
  • to identify the history of architectural theories and practices, – Acquiring historical reference frames and theoretical tools in the history of art,
  • Practising drawing by hand,
  • Show the importance of the social issue in order to think and act on space,
  • to learn the elementary principles of building physics,
  • To know the current constructive arrangements from the foundations up to the roofing.

Travaux d’étudiants

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